Quiz answers

1. What kind of land mammal was the biggest that ever existed?
A (Rhinoceros)

The Indricotherium was the largest land mammal ever.
It is estimated to have been 5.5 m tall at the shoulder, 12 m in length, a maximum raised head height of about 8 m, and a skull length of 1.35 m. A weight estimate is that it could grow up to 20 metric tons.

2. The muskox is a ...
B (Sheep)

Although it resembles a cow the muskox is actually from the group Caprinae.

3. Which species was extinct most recently?
B (Thylacine)

Thylacine R.I.P. 1936
Quagga R.I.P. 1883
Dodo R.I.P. 1681

4. What does the russian word Beluga mean?
C (white)

5. If these 3 species were drawn into a phylogenetic tree, which one would be the sister group to the other two?
B (Tenrec)

The tenrec might look like a hedgehog but is actually more closely related to elephants.

6. Which of these animals can create the loudest sounds?
C (Blue whale)

Elephants and howler monkeys sure can make noise but they are no match for the biggest animal ever to have existed.

7. Which of these animals live the longest?
C (Arctic clam)

A clam taken from the Icelandic coast was over 400 years old.
Tube worms and Aldabra tortoises can live for 250 years. Whereas the tortoise is probably really stretching it at that age the tube worms are speculated to become much older.

8. Which of these fish is (or was) the longest?

Megalodon has been estimated to have been over 15 metres long.
That dwarfs both the whale shark, at 13 metres, and the oarfish, at 11 metres.

9. Which of these animals is the closest relative of snakes?
C (Monitor lizard)

Have you noticed that monitor lizards have a forked tongue similar to snakes?

10. Who was the apex predator in the sea during the Cretaceous period?
B (Mosasauria)

Ichtyosauria was replaced as the apex predator of the sea by mosasauria.
Megalodon lived just a few million years ago.

11. What kind of bird has the longest penis?
B (Duck)

The argentine lake duck holds the record with its 42,5 cm long penis.
Despite its name, the cock has a very small penis.

12. Which of these animals is a dinosaur?
C (Glyptodontopelta)

Glyptodontopelta was an ankylosaur, here portrayed fighting a T-rex.

13. From which of these groups did the birds evolve?
A (Coelurosauria)

In the movie Jurassic Park the view that birds evolved from creatures such as this velociraptor was made famous.

14. If these 3 species were drawn into a phylogenetic tree, which one would be the sister group to the other two?
C (Sugar glider)

Sugar gliders are marsupials whereas colugos and flying squirrels are placental mammals.

15. Which of these animals is a member of the group Carnivora?
A (Meerkat)

Pholidota is the sister group to Carnivora.
Tasmanian devils are Marsupialia.
Which leaves the meerkat as the only member of Carnivoria.

16. This Diploporita fossile belongs to which group?
A (Echinodermata)

Diploporita was a echinoderm just like Patric Star.

17. Which of these cnidarians is actually a colony of animals?
C (Portuguese man o war)

18. If these 3 species were drawn into a phylogenetic tree, which one would be the sister group to the other two?
A (Daphnia)

Daphnia belong to Branchiopoda whereas the barnacles and copepods are Maxillopoda.

19. What insect will this larvae develop into?
B (Sawfly)

20. How long does it approximately take the earthworms to turn over the soil in the 10 cm uppermost layer in an average northern temperate climate?

approximately 10-12 years